Drummoyne Baptist is located at the Corner of Tranmere St and Bowman St, Drummoyne NSW

Drummoyne Baptist has two services on a Sunday, a 10AM Worship Service, and a 5:30PM Prayer Service.

What to expect at our 10AM Sunday Worship Service

Everyone is welcome at our Sunday Worship Service.

The service begins at 10AM, finishes around 11AM and is followed by a light morning tea.

At the service we sing praises to God, pray to God and hear from God’s word (we provide a copy of the Bible at the door).

Children are most welcome at our church and we’d much rather have them worship with the whole family of God than be removed. If they make some noise, don’t worry, we love the sound of children in church.  However, if you’d like to take them out at different points, please know that in the hall you can still hear the service.

On the second Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper which is a time where we eat bread and drink grape juice (in lieu of wine) as a reminder of Jesus’ body and blood given for us.  Visitors are also welcome to take part in this celebration if they are Christians.

What to expect at our 5:30PM Sunday Prayer Service

Once again, everyone is welcome at our Sunday Prayer Service.

The service begins at 5:30PM and finishes around 6:30PM.

At the service we pray for the world, Australia and Drummoyne Baptist church. We also have a reading from the Bible and discussion. (No one who attends is obliged to pray aloud.)